Saturday, March 25, 2006

Decision Time Washington: Who do you Represent?

I was wondering when the commotion would start.

The American people are finally starting making enough noise and the politicians in Washington are starting to realize that the issue of illegal immigration will be front and center on the agenda for the 2006 election cycle.

Our elected officials in Washington swear an oath that states they will uphold the law...and hey, the key word to look at in this situation is the word "illegal"!

America has always welcomed immigrants that have come to our shores to start new lives. Immigrants come to America to seek the very things that citizens have taken for granted too, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, to condone illegal immigration and turn a blind eye to its effects on our economy and society is suicide. We are a nation of laws!

Immigrants of the past came to this country through legitimate means and established new lives here, contributing to building this great country by adding their unique distinctiveness to "The Melting Pot". They enriched our society with their physical and mental labors that added to what is the American experience.

Take for example the Vietnamese immigrants who came to America after the fall of South Vietnam. When they arrived here, the Vietnamese people (as well as other Asian immigrants) embraced the American Dream with both arms and now are one of the most successful and influential growing demographics in America...and the majority of them did it legally! This process was not easy. I personally witnessed the racial bigotry and discrimination they had to endure, but this did not deter them!

How many immigrants of the past who came to this country legally are we going to dishonor by giving in to protest that are backed by illegal immigrants and those who stand to gain from continuing the "gravy train" for the illegal immigrants. The parties who stand to gain from continuing the status quo are both Mexico and business interests in this country.

Lets call a spade a spade. Mexico has a corrupt government and actively is encouraging illegal immigration. The Mexican government prints, "How to guides" for illegal immigrants. The Mexican government has a vested interest in having as many of its citizens emigrate to The United States for survival. The second largest source of foreign exchange into the Mexican economy is payments sent back to Mexico from immigrants to families and businesses in Mexico. Oil and petroleum sales are the largest source of foreign exchange. However, due to the fact that the Mexican government runs the petroleum business in Mexico as a nationalized entity, this denies many American firms opportunities to entire the Mexican marketplace!

The social cost to the American taxpayer in providing education, medical and other welfare benefits to the ever increasing tide of illegal immigrants is breaking this country...especially the border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

A Mexican illegal immigrant (or a Mexican citizen) can buy real estate in any of the fifty states in America. An American citizen cannot buy land directly in Mexico. Real estate ownership directly by an American is illegal in Mexico. Maybe Washington should tie changes in the Mexican law to changes in our laws regarding illegal immigration.

Why shouldn't I be able to live in Cancun, Monterrey or Mexico City and enjoy the ownership of property? If you ask me, I think it is only fair that if Mexico wants the American taxpayer to pick up the tab for an ever-increasing portion of its population, they should offer some benefits to the American taxpayer.

I personally would like to have the ability to own property and participate directly in a Mexican based business. That would be a hedge against the day when we bankrupt our American economy by leaving the Treasury's vault door open constantly to other countries!


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