Saturday, April 29, 2006

Justice at Work in Today's America?

Last time I was in Washington, D.C., I remember that the famous statue of Lady Justice was blindfolded and carried a scale to fairly administer justice in this country.

The recent "deal" political commentator Rush Limbaugh made with Florida prosecutors is proof postive that if you have enough money and connections, the scales of Justice can be tipped in your favor!

If any other citizen of modest, or little financial means was faced with similar circumstances, they would have been locked up months ago doing serious time!

However, if you have the necessary monetary weight to put on Lady J's scale to balance out your transgressions, your home free!

Or, if you are part of the Uber Rich, you can bypass justice all together.

Remember Commodity Trader Marc Rich? He was the guy that for years lived in Switzerland because he was wanted in the United States on tax evasion, trading with enemy countries of The United States and much more. During the last minutes of Bill Clinton's presidency, a stroke of the Executive Pen pardoned him for everything. The power of a large campaign contribution!

With Liberty and Justice for all? I think not!

A fitting symbol of the New Justice standards in America can be found at the following web site:

The Supreme Court Historical Society has statues that can be purchased as gifts. Take a look at these statues. Instead of the flowing Greek robe and noble look, these images of Lady J make her look like a common prostitute looking for her next trick.

How fitting is that in today's world?


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