Friday, June 23, 2006

The Best Reason To Elect Democrats in 2006

In the 2004 elections, GW Bush, his evil puppetmaster Dead Eye Dick Cheney and the rest of the gang was only successful because they had better spin meisters that made them look like the lesser of two evils. This was compounded by the Democrats in fighting among themselves and turning to the wacko fringe of their party to try to win elections.

It pains me to even say this, but the referenced New York Times article is the LAST FRIGGIN' STRAW!

Maybe its time for a change from across the aisle....

The only way we will see what these Globalist corporate stooges are about is to bring about an environment where real fact finding can take place!

America needs an independent 3rd Party now! The Democrats are too much wimp infested, no gameplan loosers to get the job done!

I bet Colin Powell would like some payback in 2008 for Dead Eye Dick and his merry band of operatives setting him up with the bullshit intelligence he had to use to make the case for war in Iraq in fornt of the UN. Just think Powell would clean house if he had an independent 3rd party behind him that was untouched by lobbyist, PAC's and other corporate tentacles!

And the Captain has a plan!


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