Hypocrisy...A La Mexicana
This is what really chaps my pantalones!
Mexico and its blowhard President Vincente Fox are trying to dictate what our immigration reform should look like and Senior Fox is talking out both sides of his sphincter!
While American lawmakers argue back and forth, posture and pontificate on what our immigration reform should look like and what type of guest worker accommodations should be considered, Mexico makes it impossible for anyone but a native born Mexican to get a job inside their country.
That makes total sense why Mexico's economy doesn't work. The latest estimates indicate that 10% of the Mexican population is in this country (probably more like 15-20 %), and nobody that isn't a native born Mexican is allowed to work! How is that to run a country!
Xenophobia is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.
I suggest we don't allow any immigration reform and seal the border till Mexico changes it laws and treats the immigrants from Latin America on its southern border fairly, as well.
Viva Reformar on both sides of the border!
PS: Besides, I may want to go to Mexico and become a bartender at a resort and send money back to family in the United States once we bankrupt our economy by continuing with the silly policies we have in regards to Mexico!
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