Saturday, April 08, 2006

Farewell and Good Riddance!

PS: Hopefully soon to be a "Soap-on-a-Rope" member of "Club Fed"!

The Viper in the Desert and Are the Wolves Closing In?

The Iranian military buildup is definitely something our country should deal with sooner than later!

However, the military and political leaders of this country should not forget the mindset of the cultures they are dealing with, especially in the Middle East.

When the story was released that Saddam Hussein thought himself to be the reincarnation of the biblical king Nebuchadnezzar II, it was a good indicator on how to analyze the mindset of your adversary. Nebuchadnezzar II was the Babylonian king that destroyed Solomon's Temple and brought the Jews back to his kingdom as slaves. Saddam definitely had a case of "legacy envy".

It is possible that the current Iranian president might temper his planning with a little "historical perspective along with his religious fervor.

It is already well known that Iranian president Ahmadinejad (herein referred to in the future as "HTB", which stands for hostage taking bastard) is a Shiite fanatic that is interweaving his military plans with theological doctrine. He believes that the Mahdi, or twelfth Imam will return to lead Islam into a new age, where it will be the basis for world rule.

HTB has said himself that "We don't shy away from that declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world". Additionally, he has stated, "We must prepare ourselves to rule the world and the only way to do that is to put forth views on the basis of the expectation of the Return".

I have always had a theory that nature has great analogies for man. The analogy of how wolves take down their large prey is one that deserves consideration. One wolf cannot take down a mighty bison. There is too great a risk of injury or death to the individual wolf. However, a pack of wolves work together to tire the bison, eventually wearing it down so the wolves can move in for the kill.

The Iranians know that even with their latest advances in weapons technology, they are no match for the U.S. and allied forces (Israel and Britain). However, the Iranians have potential pack members that will be used should the U.S. choose a military option in dealing with Iran. Syria is full of Hezbollah members who are under the control of Iran. These two countries would not be a too ferocious a pack, but could keep the US forces tied down in the region.

HTB would not hesitate to lob a nuclear tipped missile at Israel, but I don't see them firing one at US forces in Iraq, due to the proximity of too many fellow Shiite Muslims and holy sites that are sacred to Shiites. HTB and the mullahs who control the government need another wolf, and it is currently hiding in plain sight!

Iraq's largest population segment is Shiite Muslims. It is no secret that the Shiites have been receiving weapons and other assistance in their sectarian battle with the Sunnis in Iraq form the Iranians. The current suicide attacks against Shiites and their religious shrines are the start of the "takedown" strategy of the wolves.

The fiery Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr is already trying to whip up his followers in his homegrown Mahdi army.

It is no accident that al-Sadr named his army after the Mahdi. He too believes that the return of the Madhi is imminent.

Now, imagine that three wolves are trying to take down the mighty bison bull (The USA). The Mahdi army and other Shiite factions pin down the US forces in the beginnings of civil war in Iraq and try to draw us in to the fight. These forces will be the wolf that starts the distraction of the bison, making the initial attack to draw the attention of the intended prey.

Then, the Syrians start to attack along their frontier with Iraq. Remember Saddam's weapons of mass destruction that existed, then didn't exist and now might exist in the "safe keeping" of Syria? These are the teeth the second wolf (Syria) will use to help immobilize the bison and keep it watching its adversaries on two sides. Now comes the third wolf.

HTB not only is a religious zealot, but quite possibly a student of history, and like Saddam lets historical thinking guide his intentions. In 539 BC, the Persian king Cyrus, marched on Babylon (Iraq) and captured the city. Cyrus freed all the slaves, including the Jews and allowed them to return to Israel to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Cyrus also issued what was possibly the first declaration of human rights in recorded history that covered all the inhabitants of his kingdom. Such a declaration of human rights would be in conflict with modern Islamic doctrine.

Furthermore, one of Cyrus' descendants is the Persian king Xerxes. Xerxes is widely believed to be the king known as Ahasuerus in the biblical books of Ezra and Esther. The book of Esther relates where Ahasuerus dismissed his queen Vashti, and took Esther, a Jew as his new queen. It is no secret of HTB's feelings toward Israel and the Jews. Perhaps, like Saddam, HTB sees the need to correct history.

If reports are true, the Iranians already possess the plans of the nuclear warhead designed by the Pakistanian atomic weapons technology proliferator A. Q. Khan. Their Shahab-3 missile design has recently been modified to accept that exact type of warhead. Iran only needs one shot, no more. The successful detonation of a nuclear warhead in Israel would be all HTB will need to unite Shiite and Sunni Muslims against the one country they both despise, the United States of America, the protector of Israel (in their eyes, that is. The source of all things Western and modern political thought, which they despise).

Now, go back to the analogy of the wolves taking down the bison. The Iranians are the third wolf that will try to deliver the killing strike. Once their Shiite brethren in Iraq and Syria have US forces busy, it would be a prime opportunity to mass along the border and deliver their nuclear dagger to the throat of Israel, along with a crossing in mass of their forces along the Iraq/Iran border.

If Saddam's weapons of mass destruction (mostly chemical and biological) do exist, they have the means to pin down, or a least slow down an American response. The usual American rapid response is air power, through Air Force and Navy carrier based air wings.

If you consider the recent revelation about the Iranian's new anti-ship weaponry, one begins to see that they are following a definite plan to bring about the showdown with the 'crusader" forces of the Western world.

Considering recent revelations of the Russians assisting Saddam's government with intelligence before the Iraqi invasion, be sure that they will be involved in assisting the Iranians. It would just be "good business" for them. They have been fuming ever since Reagan outspent them in the Cold War and knocked off the Russian Bear as the "other superpower". They want to see the USA suffer the same fate they did in Afghanistan.

However, I have always suspected that the Chinese have been secretly helping set up this scenario of the wolf kill for years. In the nineties, I read some translations of speeches from the leaders of Hezbollah to try to understand the mindset of "jihadism". One of the unusual things I noticed was the numerous quotations of Mao that were weaved into their rhetoric, some even being quoted verbatim! The Iranians are one of China's best weapons customers.

What could be expected from our old Cold war adversaries if HTB starts feeling the need to howl at the moon?

Now imagine that HTB kicks off his battle against The Great Satan and the Chinese decide to "turn up the heat" with provocative moves against Taiwan, or the little troll doll Kim Jong Il decides its time to start monkeying around against American interests.

America's military can't sustain two major conflicts at the same time, especially if a major source of world petroleum supplies, such as the Middle East stops flowing. The Iranian naval forces will be trying to make the Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf and northwestern Indian Ocean a difficult place for US forces to operate in, should such a conflict begin.

If the USA were to have to be involved in wartime operations two places in the world and had to also deal with coordinated terrorist attacks within our borders, could we as a nation prevail?

Would our allies that we assisted in World War II come to our aid, or would their self-interests and need for self-preservation win out?

The sorry state of American civil defense and coordinated response to disaster was painfully illustrated last year by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. The response after the storms was bad however, what could the response to terrorist attacks be with the potential for continuing terrorist attacks during disaster relief efforts? This alone is reason enough for the political hacks in Washington to insure realistic border security in any type of immigration reform.

In view of President Bush's "axis of evil" speech, what intelligence possibly could be known that might support the Wolf Attack Hypothesis?

The bison hears growling in the dark and is definitely nervous!

Monday, April 03, 2006

A Patriot's Time to Act

A Patriot’s Time to Act

Our country came into existence through the act of patriots that knew that principles were something not just to live by, but if necessary to fight and die for. If one surrenders their principles, then life no longer has honor. Not only individuals have principles, but nations too have principles.

America’s founders were not perfect men, by no means. They were wise enough to set up principles to govern and guide this nation. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not just American ideals, but belong to all men and women of the earth. The torch of The Statue of Liberty is a beacon not just to past and present immigrants of The American Promise, but a reminder to its citizens of what we must be ever vigilant to guard and protect.

Today, our freedoms are under assault from those who believe that we should surrender some individual liberties to obtain a better level of security for the country as a whole. Benjamin Franklin left many wise sayings, but the wisest of his council in the following quote:

“ They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety”.

The Constitution of the United States is called a “living document” because its owners have the ability to change it.

We The People have the ultimate power in this country, but as in all government structures, there are those who seek to usurp power and gain control of the government.

The Fourth Amendment to the constitution has been violated. The Fifth and First Amendments are now under attack. Once these have fallen, the Second Amendment will be the target. One day, perhaps the right to keep and bear arms will be the only thing standing between the citizen owners of this country and those who seek to destroy the Republic by selling America off piece by piece and where the Constitution becomes just a quaint relic for tourist in Washington, instead of the basis for the best form of government yet devised by man.

The rights of peaceful assembly, free speech and the power of the ballot box will still work. All that is needed is American citizens with the courage and conviction to wield the weapons of change that our forefathers gave us wisely, so long ago.

Those who seek control know the power of these rights and fear them. It is the one thing that stands in the way of their plans. Why else do you think that the government now photographs and adds information on peaceful protestors to government databases, as the actions of the F.B.I recently revealed in the media.

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of our great republic had great insight. He gave us a warning to the dangers we now face.

“The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others.”

And the Reverend Martin Luther King echoed the thoughts of TR with this thought;

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Wake Up America before it is too late!