The Travel Channel's New Show: Congressional Great Escapes, sponsored by Graft & Associates
Give me a break!
Don't our elected officials in Congress pay for anything?
In the 19th century, you had the carpetbaggers. Today, it is the harlotbaggers. For several years I have been looking under the surface of the links between business/special interests and our lawmakers. What they do while in office, and when they leave to cash in (not all do, but most do)!
In my honest opinion, there are many Senators and Congressmen that "whore" themselves out via their vote to big business, unions and other special interests.
When will America wake up and send these people a message and vote the scumbags out of office!
I also find it interesting that the article indicates that the study shows that the biggest offender has been Texas' own Thomas Dale Delay, political pimp extraordinaire. Out of $ 50,000,000. spent for legislators travel by others, $ 500,000 of it was to the Bug Killer.
Why does that not surprise me?