Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wisdom For Today From Benjamin Franklin

This quotation from a speech by Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest Americans ever to live, reminds us today what is the current, clear and present danger we face:

In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, — if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people, if well administered; and I believe, farther, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.

Speech to the Constitutional Convention (June 28, 1787)

Could a rational individual not agree that Washington D.C. (District of Criminals) is full of despots acting on every agenda but that which is a benefit to the American people?

Supreme Court Joins in on Establishment of Amerikan Police State

Once again, this country has taken another step towards the establishment of a police state, this time courtesy of the Judicial branch.

This ruling just gives corrupt politicians another victory to protect their franchises and continue to serve others than who elected them...We The People.

It is time to clean house in Washington and fast!

Enough said.

Afghanistan: Taliban Resurgence is Not a Good Sign

I thought we had chased the Taliban to Pakistan with UBL.

Is it my imagination, or is their more military action going on against Taliban and other insurgent groups by coalition forces?

First the potential massacre of unarmed Iraqis in Haditha, now in Afghanistan there is anti-American riots in Kabul and bombing of innocent civilians just to kill some Taliban fighters.

Why are we screwing up lately so much?

Does our military have the sufficient troop strengths and equipment to do the job?

If the Afghans can't take care of the supposedly "small numbers" of Taliban fighters, what hope do we ever have of the Iraqis becoming able to develop a strong enough military and police assets to take care of the insurgent problem and bring security to that much larger country?

And most of all, if we can't handle these supposed "mop up" operations, what chance do we have to convience the Iranians to back down on their nuclear aspirations and the control of their worldwide terror networks?

The "sphere" of terror assets that the Iranians control makes Al Qaeda look like the local chapter of the PTA!

The ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu said that military power is most oppressive when you achieve your objective without using it.

Do you really think that the Iranians are going to bend to any type of diplomatic effort to disarm and comply with international law? That worked real well with Saddam Hussein! Saddam was holding a "bluff" poker hand of cards to play in the "big casino" of world affairs. His miltary assets were no match for the war machine of the West.

The Iranians, on the other hand have been very active in converting their vast petroleum earnings into purchasing the best weaponry that money can buy. And unlike the Iraqis, they command a vast terrorist network to exacerbate any war planning on the part of Rummy and his war council.

It's almost like Rummy has been hiring a gypsy medium to consult Lyndon Johnson and Robert Mcnamara from beyond the grave on war strategies.

The Captain thinks that more and more our Middle East adventures look more and more like another war from the last century. However, unlike Vietnam, the stakes at this poker table are very high.

When it comes time to deal with the Iranians, will America have to go "all in"?

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Looks Like "The Base" is Crumbling!

Maybe there is hope!

The article in The Washington Post by Richard Viguerie is right on the mark!

The George W. Bush Administration sold conservatives a "bill of goods" and are nothing but a renegade band of Globalist that serve multinational corporations and unelected bodies such as The Council on Foreign Relations . They are transforming our Great Republic into a police state.

Illegal wiretaps, harrassment of people that speak out, data mining of individual records...and on and on and on!

GWB's administration is spending his way to not just bigger government, but overall federal control over everything!

Conservatives should pull the "franchise" of their standard bearer from the GOP and act now!

Globalism vs. Liberalism is not the choice between the lesser of two evils. It is two roads that lead to the same destination...destruction of America and what it stood for!

Independent voices are needed now more than ever!

The following quote from Barry Goldwater sums up things best...

"Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have"!


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Give This Man an NEA Grant!

I love the social relavance of this artist's work!

If a degenerate scumbag like Robert Mapplethorpe can get National Endownment for the Arts (NEA) grants for borderline child pornography and offensive sculptures such as a crucifix in urine (Piss Christ), I vote that Mr. Bollinger should receive a cool $ 1,000,000.00!

It is a rare thing when a work of art can capture the mood of "real Americans"!

But Mr. Bollinger should watch out...under the new "mindset" of today's federal government, the First Amendment only protects very few people now. Unless your a corporate media conglomerate with an army of attorneys on retainer, you can be muzzled by the thought police arm of Homeland Security.


I will leave those who are symphatetic to squeiching free speech with a quote:

"The First Amendment is often inconvienent. But that is beside the point. Inconvienence does not absolve the Government of its obligation to tolerate free speech".
Justice Anthony Kennedy