Isn't it Great To Feel Safe In America!
I feel really safe in America, yes indeed!
As I am reading my email and news on Good Friday, looking for suitable blog material, a funny looking helicopter caught my eye!
This helicopter circling continually in tighter and tighter circles around my location.
During this time period, my firewall begins being probed from an untraceable address, perhaps just a "wayward youth"?
Well, I decided to give this curious pilot the once over with my low-tech binoculars and Google the registration.
The helicopter itself had a very pretty paintjob, like some news helicopters, but that is where the similarities ended!
Mounted in the front of the helicopter was a FLIR (forward looking infrared) and visible light cameras. Additionally, the craft bristled with cool looking radio antennas.
It is refreshing to see our tax dollars invested in great technology to help Uncle Sam do their "shamus" work!
A funny thing however, this helicopter stayed around for in excess of thirty minutes.
I decided I was tired of watching my aerial admirer and decided to go about my day.
I went to a mechanic to get an estimate on some work to my car. As I was standing outside the shop with the mechanic, I look up and lo and behold... Uncle Sam's "eye in the sky" is there!