One More Step Towards A Police State
I wish more Americans would stop and think about what has been happening since the beginning of the New Century and after 9-11.
Americans have been surrendering freedoms right and left and here is the next puzzle piece to the Police State.
General Michael Hayden is definitely George Bush's best "short boy" for the job of Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Why not?
If the Democrats seize power in November, he will be the future co-conspirator with GWB when the axe falls in regards to the warrantless eavesdropping program dreamed up by the White House cabal of crooks. He can just claim.."I can't talk because of National Security matters".
If he is director of CIA, that gives him additional tools to serve his dark masters, and further help the military get around that nasty "posse comitatus" clause in the Constitution.
I can hear you saying..."but wait Captain, the CIA only handles spying outside the boundaries of the USA". Yes, supposedly that is true. However, the military's data mining projects such as Able Danger looked at a lot of domestic data.
Additionally, if an active duty Air Force officer is Director CIA, who will he ultimately answer to?
If the President, in his role as Commander-In-Chief instructs Gen. Hayden to lie and withhold information from any Congressional oversight committees, where are the checks and balances to keep this from happening?
This nomination reeks of cronyism and another end run attempt by the White House around the Constitution!