Did the man say "soul", or perhaps "goal"?
Let history be the judge. And for exhibit one:
June 26, 2001 Bush-Putin news conference in Slovenia:
"I looked the man (Putin) in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul, a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country. And I appreciated so very much the frank dialogue. There was no kind of diplomatic chit chat, trying to throw each other off balance. There was a straightforward dialogue, and that's the beginning of a very constructive relationship."
A constructive relationship?
Was that the American-Russian relationship or the Russian-Iraqi relationship?
The latest revelation regarding the Russians sharing troop movements and other classified intelligence with Saddam's Iraq is very telling indeed! How many American's son's and daughter's blood are on Russian hands?
Russia's Putin is rapidly trying to return to the old tricks and ways of The Soviet Union and anybody who reads and thinks can see that!
The Russians were knee deep in the UN Oil for Food scandal. The Iraqi government of Saddam Hussien was one of their military/industrial complex's best customers that paid cold hard cash for weapons and military systems. They were just practicing business as usual...global politics as a chess game. Saddam as a pawn to advance their game on the board!
There are still many ex-Soviets that are wearing the robes of Glasnost and Perestroika over their old military parade uniforms just waiting for the day to disrobe and show their true intentions. Wise up Washington!
Hold Putie-Pute's feet to the fire on this one!
Our president needs to BE MORE like Ronald Reagan where the Russians are concerned...not just sound like him!